HKICS 22nd Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update (Online Conference)
This online conference is organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS). If you have any queries, please contact Professional Development Section at: (852) 2881 6177 or email: [email protected].
Register now! Early Bird offer by Friday 30 April...
Updating of specification of names of persons designated as terrorists or terrorist associates
The specification of names of persons designated as terrorists or terrorist associates by the Committees of the United Nations Security Council had been updated and was published in the Gazette on 24 March 2021. For details, please refer to the relevant Gazette...
United Nations Security Council Sanctions Against ISIL and Al-Qaida
The list of individuals, groups, undertakings and entities published under section 25 of the United Nations Sanctions (ISIL and Al-Qaida) Regulation was updated on 24 March 2021. For details, please refer to the Updated List.
As holders of trust or company service...
ASIFMA China Capital Markets Week, 19-23 April 2021, Virtual Week
This Webinar is organized by Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association. For registration and enquiry, please email to [email protected] directly.
We are one of the endorsers supporting ASIFMA China Capital Markets Week, to be held in the mornings of 19-23...
United Nations Security Council Sanctions Against Sudan
The list of relevant persons published under section 31 of the United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) Regulation 2013 had been updated and was published in the Gazette on 9 March 2021. For details, please refer to the relevant Gazette Extraordinary Notice.
As holders of trust...
Certified Trust HKTA Certified Trust Practitioner TM Accreditation Program
TTC is a core component of achieving the Hong Kong Trustees' Association ("HKTA") Certified Trust Practitioner TM (CTP) designation. The next TTC Part B course will commence from 14 April 2021. There are two streams under Part B : Stream 1 (Private Truss) and...
FATF Statement on High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action and document
The Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), the global standard-setting body for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (“AML/CFT”), published the following documents on 25 February 2021:
United Nations Security Council Sanctions in relation to Somalia
The list of individuals and entities published under section 29 of the United Nations Sanctions (Somalia) Regulation 2019 was updated on 27 February 2021. For details, please refer to the Updated List.
As holders of trust or company service provider licences are required...