Hong Kong Trust Industry Spotlight – Taking Centre Stage (2021) – Press Coverage
Please refer to the following press coverages of the trust report:
Hong Kong Trust Industry Spotlight – Taking Centre Stage (2021) - Trust Report
This joint report with KPMG aims to provide insights into the Hong Kong trust market and current landscape as well as opportunities for growth. Bilingual version of the report is available for download (English – click here; Traditional Chinese- click here and Simplified...
Launch of the KPMG & HKTA Hong Kong Trust Industry Spotlight : Taking centre stage – Press Release
HKTA and KPMG issue the trust industry report that aims to provide insights into the Hong Kong trust market and current landscape as well as opportunities for growth. Bilingual version of the press release are available for download. (English – click here; Chinese- click ...
Updating of specification of names of persons designated as terrorists or terrorist associates
The specification of names of persons designated as terrorists or terrorist associates by the Committees of the United Nations Security Council had been updated and was published in the Gazette on 18 June 2021. For details, please refer to the relevant Gazette...
United Nations Security Council Sanctions Against ISIL and Al-Qaida
The list of individuals, groups, undertakings and entities published under section 25 of the United Nations Sanctions (ISIL and Al-Qaida) Regulation was updated on 18 June 2021. For details, please refer to the Updated List.
As holders of trust or company service provider...
Hong Kong Trustees’ Association - Office Relocation Notice
Hong Kong Trustees’ Association - Office Relocation Notice
With effect from 11 June 2021, our office will be relocated to:
Room 745, 7/F, Grand Millennium Plaza, 181 Queen’s Road Central, Central
Phone numbers are: 97851743; 3511 6030; 3511 6036