HKSFA Best Research Report Competition 2016
08 Aug 2016As the supporting organization of HKSFA Best Research Report Competition 2016, Hong Kong Trustees' Association is writing to seek your support of this Talk-of-the-town initiative. Coming to the third year, the competition sticks to the mission of recognising excellence in published investment research and promoting awareness of fundamental written research to the investing public, with the ultimate goal of enhancing Hong Kong's status as a global financial hub. Apart from the existing single company report, a new category for Sector Report is included this year.
The following support has been gathered for the event:
- Nine First-Round Judges:
. Volunteers from the HKSFA
- Three confirmed Final Judges:
. Mr. William Fong, CFA, Investment Director, Asian Equities, Baring Asset Management (Asia)
. Mr. Winson Fong, CFA, Managing Director, Greater China Equities, Manulife Asset
. Ms Louisa Lo, CFA, Deputy Head of Asia ex Japan Equities, Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
- Six Supporting Organizations:
. Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong
. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
. The Hong Kong Investment Funds Association
. Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
. The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association
. Hong Kong Trustees' Association
- Principal Sponsor:
. CFA Institute
To establish BRRC as a landmark event in the industry, your participation and contribution are crucial to the success. There are many ways in which you can help, with the following in particular:
1. Be a nominator. Nomination through a HKSFA member is a requirement for non-designated applicants. Each HKSFA member can make one nomination. All individual full-time analysts who are based in Hong Kong or whose reports with the subject company that are primarily listed in Hong Kong, are qualified to submit their sell-side SINGLE COMPANY or SECTOR research reports published in the twelve months period up to 29 August 2016. The nomination period is from Now on to 5:30 p.m., Monday, 15 August 2016.
2. Be a contestant. For those who are eligible to enter the race, we strongly advise you to submit your research report. Being a contestant shows that you are committed to producing high standard research reports to facilitate sound investment decisions.
3. Be a supporter. You are strongly recommended to refer to the list of past and present winners of the HKSFA Best Research Reports Competition as a benchmark of excellence when casting your votes in other industry competitions*, e.g. Asiamoney Brokers Poll.
* You may want to take a look at the winner list of BRRC 2015 at the link when you vote for the most recent industry competitions e.g. Asiamoney Brokers Poll.
For nomination form, please click
For any enquiries, please email to the organiser directly at [email protected] or contact Ms. Vivian Chan at 2501 0670.